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Weekly calendar 2025 Ljungdalen

Also for the year 2025 we have produced a weekly calendar. Again each week has a wonderful colored photo from the region of Ljungdalen and Storsjö: The villages, the mountains, the nature and Flatruet. All in all there are 54 photos. 

Calendars measures are about 24 x 29 cm. It is bound with a spiral and can be hanged up on the wall. Price is with 36 Euro (395 Skr) extraordinary. 

Choose you way to obtain it: Order it directly and you get it home by post or buy it in Ljungdalen at the Tourist office and at Ljungdalens Hemslöjd.


If you want to buy a calendar:

Give us a short note per Email with the exact name and address to send to.

Then pay the price of 36 Euro (395 Skr) plus shipping to Germany (5 Euro / 60 Skr), shipping to an EU Country (6 Euro / 60 Skr) or shipping to a non EU Country (8 Euro / 85 Skr) to one of the two following accounts: 

Accountname        Regina Wegemund

IBAN                   DE55 2069 0500 0003 3858 25

BIC                     GENODEF1S11

Bankname            Sparda Bank Hamburg

or (if you have a svensk bank account)

Accountname        Regina Wegemund

Clearingnummmer  81471

Kontonummer        904 129 374 8

Bankname             Swedbank

Referenz                Name + City of destination

The Calendar will be shipped when the money has reached us.
